
May 2, 2016

May is Appreciation month 五月感恩月暨竹筒回娘家


人文學校不曾間斷地帶領孩子們行善行孝,今年將在5/7這天, 由各班老師用心帶領孩子們為家長們展示他們這一年來學習的成果,讓家長有機會跟孩子一起坐下來分享學習的喜悅,同時也跟孩子一起帶著自己的愛心竹筒回到學校來,將愛心匯聚起來幫助需要幫助的人。


In Tzu Chi, May is a very special month and Mother's Day is also Buddha bathing day and Tzu Chi day. We are grateful for Buddha, our parents and all living beings.

On May 7th, each class teacher will lead their students to present their learning portfolios of this school year to the parents at own classroom. All students will bring back their bamboo banks to school the same day. We are going to collect all savings and put forward the money to help the needed.

Dear parents, your students have brought home their handmade invitation cards on April 16. Please come to the event and show your support to their education!