
October 14, 2016

10/15/2016 school closure due to series of storms

Dear all,

The national weather service is forecasting a series of storms with heavy rain and potentially damaging winds through Saturday. After evaluating the progress of the storms and considering the safety to travel to and from school, administration team has decided to close the school tomorrow.

According to our school policy, when the closure is due to inclement weather, no make-up will be made.

If you have further question, please contact your class teachers or email school:
All latest announcement will also be on school blog,

Please stay safe and dry, keep our prayers so no damages will be done by the storms.

-          Admin team

inclement weather policy

In cases of inclement weather, Tzu Chi Academy's policy is typically to follow Bellevue Public School closures. This Friday, however, Bellevue School District is already scheduled no school to have professional development. A significant storm with possible power outages is predicted for Thursday night.

Since we cannot follow our regular closure system, you will receive an email Saturday morning between 5:30 ~ 6:00 AM if classes are to be cancelled. The school blog website will also make announcement around the same timeframe.

If classes will not be cancelled, there will not be a closure communication.

Buy some extra batteries or charge up your power banks just in case!

-          Admin Team

October 5, 2016

Week 5 Event Notice 第五週活動預告

 ~ English version follows ~


家長人文課 -11:00-11:50.
這是今年第一次家長人文課,邀請到自然醫學博士及註冊營養師(ND, RD) 劉音序醫師,將跟大家分享怎麼吃最健康的保健觀。同時,本週也將為“食素種樹愛地球”活動做說明。

榮譽商店是孩子們長久以來最喜歡逛的地方,除了鼓勵孩子們用心上課,我們更希望藉著玩具回收的方式,教導孩子們要愛物惜福,將已經不再玩而大約八成新的玩具捐出來,讓玩具物命能延長。請家長在家裡陪伴孩子整理玩具,確定孩子願意捐出舊玩具, 一起來參與付出歡喜的過程。請將捐贈玩具送到餐廳,捐贈時每人得一張榮譽卡。

Dear Families,

There will be two events on coming Saturday. You are cordially invited to join us.

Parent Class - 11:00 ~ 11:50, Cafeteria
This is the first class of this school year for parents. We are honored to have Dr. YinHsu Liu to present the healthy diet. We will kick off the Veggie Day as well.

Toy Recycle - 9:00 ~ 10:00, Cafeteria
In order to sock up awards for Rewarding store, we encourage your students to donate their not-play-any-more new or old toys.
Please donate the used and still in good shaped toys to support the Awarding Store on Oct. 8th (next Saturday).  We also need help to sort all donated toys on the same day.

/活動組 敬邀

October 1, 2016


             榮譽商店將在 10 15日正式開幕。
            10  是我們這學期的 “玩具環保日” 請家長們在那一天把玩具送到學校來也請您在那一天留下來與我們一起整理玩具。 您的幫忙是我們最大的期待 ! 我們誠摯呼籲家長一起來護持榮譽商店,請在 10 8 將您家裡狀況功能依舊良好、不再需要的玩具捐給榮譽商店,來豐富榮譽商店的物品。

榮譽商店是孩子們長久以來最喜歡逛的地方,除了鼓勵孩子們用心上課,我們更希望藉著玩具回收的方式,教導孩子們要愛物惜福,將已經不再玩而且還約八成新的玩具捐出來,讓玩具物命能延長請家長陪伴孩子整理玩具 參與付出歡喜的過程。


輔導組敬上 2016-9-30

恭敬摘錄證嚴上人的法語與大家共勉之(清貧致福 p107)
1.      不拿: 不需要的物品即使免費也不拿
2.      不買謹慎購物不浪費物資
3.      不過量: 不過量購買儲藏過久容易忘記使用或過期
4.      共用不常用的物品大家可以互通共用
5.      沒有也行: 不要有非要不可的念頭

Dear Parents, 
This is a friendly reminder that Tzu Chi Academy will accept new or used toys for Toy Rewarding booth at school as a part of recycling program. 

Please donate your used but still in good shaped toys to support the Awarding Store on Oct. 8th (next Saturday).  We also need help to sort all donated toys on the same day.

The Awarding Station will open on Oct. 15th

With this giving and sharing experience, our children develop the sense of caring and compassion toward others.

Thanks for your help and support.
~ Student Service  