
October 5, 2016

Week 5 Event Notice 第五週活動預告

 ~ English version follows ~


家長人文課 -11:00-11:50.
這是今年第一次家長人文課,邀請到自然醫學博士及註冊營養師(ND, RD) 劉音序醫師,將跟大家分享怎麼吃最健康的保健觀。同時,本週也將為“食素種樹愛地球”活動做說明。

榮譽商店是孩子們長久以來最喜歡逛的地方,除了鼓勵孩子們用心上課,我們更希望藉著玩具回收的方式,教導孩子們要愛物惜福,將已經不再玩而大約八成新的玩具捐出來,讓玩具物命能延長。請家長在家裡陪伴孩子整理玩具,確定孩子願意捐出舊玩具, 一起來參與付出歡喜的過程。請將捐贈玩具送到餐廳,捐贈時每人得一張榮譽卡。

Dear Families,

There will be two events on coming Saturday. You are cordially invited to join us.

Parent Class - 11:00 ~ 11:50, Cafeteria
This is the first class of this school year for parents. We are honored to have Dr. YinHsu Liu to present the healthy diet. We will kick off the Veggie Day as well.

Toy Recycle - 9:00 ~ 10:00, Cafeteria
In order to sock up awards for Rewarding store, we encourage your students to donate their not-play-any-more new or old toys.
Please donate the used and still in good shaped toys to support the Awarding Store on Oct. 8th (next Saturday).  We also need help to sort all donated toys on the same day.

/活動組 敬邀