
December 4, 2017


111 Ethical Eating Day – Due 1/11/2018

Ethical Eating means choosing a vegetarian diet and locally produced food because such personal choices prevent global warming and combat climate change. 

Why Vegetarian? Nearly 1/5 of all greenhouse gases are attributed to livestock production – more than what is generated by transportation. 70% of crops grown are fed to livestock, which produce large amounts of waste and methane -a heat- trapping gas more than 25 times than carbon dioxide. 30% of the land on Earth is in some way used to raise the animals we eat, which results in land degradation, loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution, and water shortages. 

Why Local?  The food on one’s plate travels, on average, a distance of 1,500 miles. Locally grown food tastes better than food grown at a distance, as it is generally safer and fresher. Knowing the producers enables us to assess the quality of food and having multiple small food producers limits extent of harmful substances that may make it into the food system. Industrial livestock farms create very few jobs; and, in fact, drastically reduce jobs when they replace family farms, causing individual farmers in the US to suffer.

~ Change starts with us and it can start one day at a time. ~
請響應 「111世界蔬醒日」 - 111 Ethical Eating Day

撰稿: 李慧雯老師 (十年慈悲班)

November 30, 2017

12/2 新春活動籌備會開跑!



時間本週六(12/2) 早上11:00 - 11:55
地點: 餐廳


/活動組  誠摯邀請

October 2, 2017

第四周 9/30/2017 親師座談會及玩具環保回收日圓滿完成

今年的親師座談分三週, 三個梯次進行, 以減少家長停車上的壓力及對學校鄰居交通上的影響。感恩這三週來所有參與的家長與各班老師有良性互動, 感恩家長對我們的老師愛護有加, 盼望這一年又是一個親師與志工團隊合心為孩子的教育開心付出的一年!

今年的玩具回收成果很不錯, 感恩所有響應此次活動的孩子們, 如果您上週沒趕上, 下周還是可以把家中約八成新, 孩子不再玩的玩具捐到榮譽商店喔!

最新版的行事曆已經加上跟校長喝咖啡的日期了, 您可以在本頁的右邊「

行政訊息 Families & Students」下的連結下載。

下周開始進行我的三次方班級競賽囉!! 敬請期待並詢問您的孩子他學了那些手語喔!!!
每周輪值家長在輪值的空檔一起幫忙製作紙蓮花, 可以跟大家結好緣, 笑容也更加美麗!


September 29, 2017

玩具環保回收日 -- 9/30/2017




9/30  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 六年級、七年級
9/30  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 八年級、九年級、十年級

Dear Parents,
Our Awarding Station will be officially running on next week Oct 7, so we invite everyone to kindly donate unwanted toys/stationaries from home that are in good condition tomorrow (Sep 30th).
Also, parents of grade 6 and up, please remember to join the parent-teacher conference tomorrow.

9/30 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – Sixth & Seventh Grade
9/30 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Eighth, Ninth, & Tenth Grade

September 27, 2017

9/16/2017 行政與家長座談會

2017 年西雅圖慈濟人文學校

西雅圖慈濟人文學校於九月九日熱熱鬧鬧的開學了,第一週上課,學校行政團隊們火力全開的服務學生,緊接著在第二週九月十六日立即舉行了行政團隊與家長的座談會。 今年的行政及家長座談會舉辦的時間比往年早,希望透過改變能在一開學就與家長們建立感情,打開交流的平台。

在校方及老師的熱情邀約下,九月十六日的座談會中,家長出席率創新高,共有超過一百二十位家長參加。 行政團隊除了例行的介紹學校的創校緣由、組織架構、學分認證、如何早退請假等一般行政事務外,也邀請了安全團隊爸爸 Dennis Su 跟大家說明校方在安全維護上的調整,讓學生及家長們在上下學時都能井然有序,在安全至上時有效率的進出校園。



座談會的尾聲, 輔導組銘銘師姊分享了自己的小故事,提醒家長們快樂的家庭中,要先有和諧的夫妻關係,孩子才會更快樂健康地成長。 銘銘師姊接著帶領全體家長們透過手指小活動,引導出縮小自我就能是讓自己與配偶的關係更緊密的小秘訣,與會家長在這樣的活動中圓滿第一次行政與家長座談會。

別忘了第一次與校長有約 - Principal's Coffee是十月14日早上9:40喔!

活動地點: 人文學校餐廳
活動日期與時間:9/16/2017, 9:40 ~ 10:20 AM
活動人數:家長120 + 人,  志工16人
活動攝影:Anita, 林佩華

September 14, 2017

行政通知 - 第一週

(English Version Follows)

第二週(9/16),學校將於9:40在餐廳和家長們一起行政座談。座談中,將會說明今年的活動及學校的近況。同時,請您支持慈濟Hurricane Harvey 的募款活動。 
9/16  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 一年級
9/16  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 幼幼班、注音班
9/23  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 二年級、三年級
9/23  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 四年級、五年級      
9/30  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 六年級、七年級
9/30  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 八年級、九年級、十年級

                                                                                                                                                校長  王慧婷  感恩合十

Dear parents,

It was a great seeing that many parents participated the school opening ceremony with the children last Saturday. Witnessing the beauty of the recited blessings aloud to ourselves, the people around us, and those in need was the perfect start into our school year.

The school is in great need for parents’ assistance and support of the following matters, we ask you to patiently finish reading the letter on the following issues we would like to address.

School campus security and safety have always been an imperative part of the school function. Due to the openness of the campus itself along with the scattered classroom locations, your child(ren)’s safety is one of our primary concerns. We are in great need of help and kindly ask for your active participation in the effort of providing a continual safe learning environment for our children for their duration at school.

For that reason, we have carefully assigned each parent’s volunteer role and duty based off your chosen volunteer slot at the time of registration. If you are no able to attend your assigned service time, we ask you to find replacement to fill your duty.

As a curtesy, we will send out an e-mail reminder ahead of time. We are aware of the need and effort for parents to make prior arrangements on Saturdays in advance, so we have place all the service times on the link below for your reference:


Again, we cannot emphasize enough how much we need for the parents to actively participate in volunteer service in the effort of keeping our school campus safe, together.

The second week (9/16), at 9:40 a.m., there will be an administrative panel discussion with the parents inside the school cafeteria. During the panel discussion, we will further explain this school year’s activities as well as providing important updates of our school. Meanwhile, please generously
continue your support to the Tzu Chi Hurricane Harvey fundraising activities.

The fourth week (9/30), we invite everyone to kindly donate unwanted toys from home that are in “good” condition to the school to our “Awarding Station.” The Awarding Station will be officially running on the fifth week.

This year's parent-teacher conference is divided into three different weeks. Please pay attention to your child's corresponding class and time to further learn what the teachers have prepared for the children this year:

9/16 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – First Grade
9/16 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Preschool/Phonetic Classes
9/23 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – Second & Third Grade
9/23 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Fourth & Fifth Grade
9/30 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – Sixth & Seventh Grade
9/30 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Eighth, Ninth, & Tenth Grade

Thank you for your time and patience. It is with each parent’s earnest enthusiasm, passion, and involvement –  we are confident that, together, we can provide a continual loving and safe learning environment for our children.
If there is any question, you are welcome to contact school via email or visit us at the school cafeteria during school hours.

Hui Ting Wang

Principal, Tzu Chi Academy

August 31, 2017


九月二日星期六下午12:30~2:30,學校教育志工將會在Bellevue Square的Macy's前進行街頭募款,誠心呼籲大家以一家人的情懷來關懷、協助哈維風災的災民。敬盼能見到您,有錢出錢(捐款)、有力出力(和我們一起募款)協助災民能儘快回復正常的生活 。以下是美國西北區慈濟執行長針對此次救災募款的詳細說明。

(English follows) 



受到哈維颶風的影響,德州受災人數約超過93000 人,其中估計約有超過30000名災民住在庇護中心, 慈濟志工於第一時間提供3000條毛毯到達拉斯會展中心 Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center),同時也提供毛毯與熱食到奧斯丁庇護中心 Smithville Recreation Center )。

美國慈濟規劃將提供10000磅香積飯 ( 沖泡即可食的速食飯) 11000條毛毯,200張多功能摺疊床,5000 個急救包到休士頓地區的庇護中心。
根據災民的需要, 慈濟將提供急難救助金讓災民購買緊急需要的生活物資。 同時在紅十字會與州政府設立的庇護中心膚慰災民, 慈濟也將動員醫生提供醫療諮詢服務。
美國慈濟總會執行長黃漢魁誠摯地呼籲:「天災無常, 此時正是心手相連的時刻,讓我們以一家人的情懷, 一起關懷哈維風災的災民。」

全美慈濟志工即將於92日至4日,展開街頭募款, 在各地購物中心、超級市場募心募款,詳細時間與地點請見慈濟網站,敬請大家發揮愛心, 加入援助的行列。


2017825日起至1015日,所有的捐款凡註明「 賑災捐款」(Disaster Relief Funds)者,款項將直接用於賑濟哈維風災。

手機捐款: send the message  HarveyRecovery  to 91999
支票捐款:payable to Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
地址:Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation,  2355 Oakland Road., San Jose CA 95131


Tzu Chi and local Houston and Dallas chapters provide Emergency Relief

San Dimas, Calif., Aug. 30, 2017 – With over 93,000 people impacted by Hurricane Harvey currently
without power and over 30,000 in shelters, local Tzu Chi USA chapters in Dallas and Houston are evaluating how they can best provide immediate disaster aid, in addition to delivering 3,000 blankets to the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas and providing blankets and hot meals to evacuees at the Smithville Recreation Center in Austin.
Tzu Chi now plans to distribute 10,000 lbs. of instant rice, 11,000 blankets, 200 multi-purpose portable beds, and 5,000 first aid kits to those impacted in Houston area. Additional financial aid may be provided upon review to purchase immediate needs. Tzu Chi will also offer emotional support to evacuees in Red Cross and state-designated shelters, while their volunteer doctors will provide consultations.

“Let’s act as one family to deliver our love to those impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Disaster can strike anytime and we must care for and support each other at devastating times like this.”
Han Huang, CEO Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

•Tzu Chi will be street fundraising. Visit for exact locations
•Fundraising Hotline: 408-457-6964
•Online donations:
•Mobile donations: send the message   HarveyRecovery  to 91999
•Check donations: Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, 2355 Oakland Road., San Jose CA 95131
Until Oct. 15, all donations marked “Disaster Relief Funds” will go directly to Hurricane Harvey aid.

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation,Northwest Region

2355 Oakland Road., San Jose CA 95131 

August 20, 2017

2017-2018 School Year about to set off a good start


同時,也請逛逛學校的部落格網頁 (就是這裡啦!),這裡有行事曆、每周活動訊息、常用表格和文件等等。



School is almost here!
All registered students will receive a letter of school notice from school email address on or after 8/26. Please check you email and mark school email addresses safe. If your contact info is changed after your registration, please immediately contact to ensure school notice can be delivered to you timely.

On this site, you may find calendar, upcoming events, popular forms and documents as well.

First day of school is 9/9. Welcome aboard!
Staff of Tzu Chi Academy look forward to serving you another wonderful school year ahead!

- Admin team

June 18, 2017

2017 結業式在歌聲中閉幕

2017年六月十日全校在Bellevue High School 的表演中心舉辦第十一屆畢業典禮暨結業式, 今年家長的出席率比往年高, 由於場地的關係, 只是沒有足夠的作為容納所有的家長入座, 校方深感抱歉.

當天的畢業典禮由九年級學生引導畢業生入場揭開序幕, 畢業生將學校準備的花轉奉給十幾年來不辭辛苦送他們來上學的父母, 伴隨著精采的畢業班回顧影片與父母、師長與來賓的祝福, 終於領到了代表他們這麼多年來堅持周六來人文學校學習的成就證書.  今年有10位畢業生, 限於九年級共同演出了"奉獻"的手語, 體現孩子們感謝親恩、師恩與同儕恩的心情, 更示範了十年級交棒給九年級的一份學長姐的愛. 之後, 畢業生以一段流行舞蹈呈現了他們年輕洋溢熱情的一面, 讓大家別忘了他們.

畢業典禮之後是結業式, 要為2016學年度畫下句點, 感恩這一年來在教室中辛苦教學的老師們, 助理老師, 助教哥哥姊姊, 感恩每週六早出晚歸的安全團隊和愛心爸媽, 當然還要感恩一群長年默默付出的教育志工, 加上表揚資深老師, 全勤老師與全勤學生, 結業式依往例在全校一起來的"天地好像大課堂"的互動手語歌聲中, 開心閉幕.

click here for 活動照片

別忘了, 九月九日開學喔!

活動日期時間: 2017/6/10, 9:00 - 11:15 AM
地點: Bellevue High school Performing Art Center
參與人數: 約420人
參與志工: 42人
撰稿: 林佩華
攝影: 許勝義  許庭彰  張力甲  嚴佩華  Victor Fong

June 3, 2017

Last day of school notice

學期末的結業式和畢業典禮是 6/10
在Bellevue High School Performing Art Center舉行

時間是9:00 ~11:10 AM


-活動組 敬邀

May 23, 2017




May 16, 2017

5/20 & 5/27 不上課

由於 租借學校有活動, 取消本校使用, 因此5/20停課一周

5/27是陣亡將士紀念長周末, 停課一周

下次上課6/3將是我們在Tillicum Middle School最後一周上課,

學期末的結業式和畢業典禮是 6/10, 在Bellevue High School Performing Art Center舉行

Due to the short notice from Tillicum Middle School for their own event & the coming Memorial long weekend, there will be no school on 5/20 & 5/27, respectively. 

Our next school Saturday at Tillicum is 6/3. 
Be advised that the last week of school will be held at Bellevue High school PAC on 6/10.

May 4, 2017


在校生註冊已經於 4/22開始,名額保留到5/6
5/6 開始所有名額開放給新生與插班生註冊
6/3 第一次插班生學力測試

April 3, 2017


No School on April 8 & 15, due to spring break.
We follow Bellevue School District calendar for breaks.

March 25, 2017

3/25 註冊相關事宜說明會





/行政組 恭敬合十

March 23, 2017

I-90 Westbound Close starting Friday night (3/24 - 3/26)

It might have some impact on people going east bound I-90 on Saturday morning, and backing up I405 interchanges near I-90. 

 - Safety Team

2017 Registration Orientation - all parents invited



為了讓大家能知悉今年註冊的流程與新的要求,行政團隊敬邀所有家長於本週六(3/25)早上 11點,在餐廳聽取「註冊說明會」,讓大家更了解註冊流程。
另外,上週三我們接到Tillicum Middle School 的臨時通知,得知5/20 將無法使用校舍,所以學校活動也將有所更動,會議中也將和大家說明。


記得喔! 這週六(325)早上11:00,餐廳見!!!


Dear Parents,

As you know, we have been using online registration system for a few years. With your feedback in mind, we made great efforts to accommodate and improve the online experience for all. Thanks for our volunteer parent Andy’s dedication and countless hours of work, there are a few changes in the registration process and we would like to hold a parent meeting to explain the process and some requirements as well.

During the meeting, we will also announce a couple calendar updates due to a short notice from Tillicum middle school. One last thing we will communicate about the accredited high school Chinese language credits for your students.

You are sincerely invited to join the parent meeting on coming Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 11:00 AM in the cafeteria.

/Admin team

March 13, 2017

食素、種樹、愛地球 4

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy

期待中的「食素、種樹、愛地球 4」來了!
The  Veggie day of March is coming again. This will be our 4th out five Veggie days of "Love the Earth" series.

Love the Earth by eating NO meat! It is that simple to participate!

When you plead to eat "no meat" the whole day on 3/18/2017, allow us to support your commitment by inviting you to lunch with all other participants at cafeteria this coming Saturday.

Up to now, we have raised more than 1200 trees on the happy land!
Please join us to commit a NO meat day and come accept our big thank-you.

To join the Veggie day and enjoy the lunch, please RSVP by noon on 3/17/2017.

Here is the sign-up link:

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle

/西雅圖慈濟人文學校  虔誠敬邀

三月十一日校外學藝競賽, 本校學生表現優異為校爭光


看圖寫作 高級組 第一名 1st Place 李雯琪
看圖寫作 初級組 第一名 1st Place 訾晴葳
看圖寫作 初級組 第二名 2nd Place 鄭子謙
看圖寫作 初級組 第三名 3rd Place 陳沐恩
書法 初級組 第一名 1st Place 訾晴葳
書法 初級組 第二名 2nd Place 鄭子謙
書法 初級組 第三名 3rd Place 陳子安
書法 初級組 優勝獎 Honorable Mention 趙翊如
書法 初級組 優勝獎 Honorable Mention 薛育媛
書法 初小組 第三名 3rd Place 王芳慈
識字 高級組 第一名 1st Place 李雯琪
識字 中級組 第一名 1st Place 訾晴媗
識字 中級組 第二名 2nd Place 施萱琳
識字 中級組 優勝獎 Honorable Mention 陳思穎
識字 初級組 第一名 1st Place 陳沐恩
識字 初級組 第二名 2nd Place 訾晴葳
識字 初級組 第三名 3rd Place 趙翊如
識字 初級組 優勝獎 Honorable Mention 洪振桀
識字 初級組 優勝獎 Honorable Mention 蔡易憲
識字 初小組 第一名 1st Place 王芳慈
識字 初小組 第二名 2nd Place 蘇卓威
識字 初小組 第三名 3rd Place 肯柏妮

February 8, 2017

食素、種樹、愛地球 系列活動邀請

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy

期待中的「食素、種樹、愛地球 3」來了!
The third Veggie Day is coming again. If you or any family member can commit to eat no meat for a whole day on 2/11, you are invited to join us for a lunch at school on Saturday.
Here is the signup link for the lunch:

To show our appreciation for your support in regard of loving our earth, we are honored to have a guest speaker, Judy Lin, to talk about kids eczema. The talk will begin at 11:00 AM at school cafeteria.

專題演講: 異位性皮膚炎乾癢不再來 (Help your avoid itching from eczema)

您家中是否有會癢癢的寶貝呢? 您是否總是很心疼睡覺老是不停抓抓抓的孩子? 皮膚的問題連帶著影響睡眠,也影響情緒和專注力。異位性皮膚炎的問題近年來,總是非常困擾許多家長們。這次特別邀請到畢業於Bastyr University自然醫學科的曾嚴頡醫師,她專攻小兒皮膚問題,也協助了很多家長和孩子,解決異位性皮膚炎的問題。歡迎您星期六早上11 一起來聽聽她這方面治療過程的分享。

Do you have a child constantly feel itchy and always scratching? Do you always feel frustrated and sorry for your children when they scratch over the night and can’t sleep soundly? The skin issues affect children's sleep and may also impact their emotions and learning. Eczema is a huge concern for a lot of families. We are very honored to invite a Naturopathic doctor Judy Lin, she has special interest in Pediatrics skin problems and has helped a lot families to mediate the eczema.

Please join us at 11 am on coming Saturday for Dr. Lin’s clinical experience and dietary suggestions about kids eczema.

/西雅圖慈濟人文學校  虔誠敬邀

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle

February 5, 2017


新春活動後, 邀請當天所有來幫忙的家長, 志工回來參加感恩茶會。
大家一起觀看了活動回顧的影片, 這次活動的照片都是由學校的三合一團隊提供, 讓當天幫忙餘個攤位的家長有機會可以看看其他攤位的情形, 還有孩子們開心玩耍的畫面。

志工們提供手作茶點並一一奉茶, 與會家長們也都熱烈回饋分享活動的感想, 「全民大運動」站長汪惟中爸爸已經連續六年支援這個遊戲, 很驚訝還是很受孩子們喜愛的遊戲, 而且也感到新春活動很有教育意義, 因為孩子們規矩的排隊等待, 甚至還有大讓小的情況。「十二生肖」連續第五年由胡靜雯夫婦提供, 今年則由盧卓堅爸爸主持, 說到孩子們玩得很開心, 還有大棒棒糖獎品, 希望明年能改進每輪生肖的抽中率, 讓遊戲更有變化。

熱愛象棋的蘇財臻爸爸很訝異「五子棋」收到許多孩子歡迎, 而且都知道規則, 大大鼓勵在場的家長讓孩子們來學象棋, 說對智力有幫助!已經在人文學校服務19年的黃燕銘老師代表書法班每年都提供「春聯樂」讓孩子們揮毫, 體驗書法之美與樂趣。趙國幹爸爸分享他幫忙「有你真好」時看到孩子勢必打倒目標的精神, 如果有更多人來幫忙擺紙磚, 還能讓更多孩子玩到, 還提到他今年第一次教舞獅時家長有很多建議, 只是時間不足, 無法一一滿足。

提到新遊戲「投蛋接福」時, 除了感謝每年挖空心思製作遊戲的Alex Bertlesen 爸爸, 他已經為學校做了7個遊戲, 每年依照生肖設計, 令人讚嘆, 隻鵝不過當天幫忙該站的闞長忠爸爸因為要彎腰不停地撿數十個乒乓球, 他可累壞了。這個話題引來了大家熱烈討論要如何讓這個撿拾的工作更容易更輕鬆, 由此看得出來每個家長都很護持這樣給孩子開心的活動呢!

茶會的尾聲很有意思, 因為這個活動家長之間有了互動, 大家喝著志工奉上的茶與點心, 在茶會主持人的感恩聲中漸漸聊了開來。


時間:9:20 - 10:00 AM


January 23, 2017


親愛的慈濟人文學校家人您好 (English version follows)

今年很特別, 下周六正逢農曆新年大年初一, 學校將舉辦新春活動, 當天有孩子的表演, 還有許多遊戲和食物攤位, 超過130位的家長與教育志工用心策畫, 就是想要讓全校的孩子感受過年的氣氛, 在童年時留下美好的回憶。 往年學校在新春活動時都會發給每給孩子福慧紅包, 今年為了讓孩子們能更了解什麼是福慧紅包, 我們先將紅包在教室內由老師發給孩子, 並且說明什麼是福慧紅包。



連同此訊息附上活動邀請函, 敬邀您也一起來過新年!活動當天請仍然將孩子帶到教室與班級集合,活動結束時請務必到室內球場接您的孩子。當天有新年應景食品品嚐,歡迎孩子們自備碗和湯匙,環保又衛生喔!

Dear Tzu Chi Academy families

This year the Chinese New year happens to be on a school day. Over 130 parents and volunteers are working hard to hold a carnival for the whole school to celebrate CNY. We sincerely wish all students would have a sweet memory about the Chinese New year during their school years. Along with the celebration, each student will receive a red packet from our Dharma Master Cheng Yen. The red packets all come from Master’s annual publishing royalties. Master Cheng Yen gives out His appreciation and blessings to all the Tzu Chi families at the end of each year. Thus, this red packet is called “Fu Hui Hong Bao”, it means a blessing to you to cultivate wisdom and blessing day after day and year after year.

On the day of the event, please bring your child to the classroom as usual. Please be sure to pick up your child from Gym at the end of the event. Your students are encouraged to bring owned bowl and spoon for New Year 's day food tasting. It is more environmental friendly and sanitizing!

We look forward to seeing you and families on 1/28.

January 19, 2017


2016-2017 聯誼會學藝競賽



承辦:南普峽中文學校(聯絡電話:253-973-1981 電子信箱
舉辦日期:2017422(星期六)下午1:30 -500
活動地點:BLDG10 Highline Community College 2400 S.240thStreet, Des Moines, WA 98093


January 18, 2017

要過年囉! 新春活動即將登場

爸爸媽媽, 小朋友的紅包你準備好了嗎?

今年的大年初一正好遇上了星期六, 讓我們全校一起來拜年!
一月二十八日, 有吃又有玩, 過新年!

感恩金雞來破曉, 吉祥平安迎春接福