
December 8, 2016

Adopt a Vegetarian Diet - Second Vegetarian Day for 2016-2017

Dear Tzu Chi Families,

Our second Veggie Day is the coming Saturday! Our forest is growing fast and you can contribute to it by committing to eat no meat for one day!

Love the Earth by eating NO meat! It is simple to do if you would commit to eat no meat on the whole day of 12/10/2016, then your lunch is on school. This is our way to show our support to your support of loving the earth.

You and/or your family are welcome to commit one day of eating no meat!
To join us, please sign up by noon on 12/9/2016. Click here to sign up!


Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle

photos from the first Veggie Day, 11/12/2016

November 10, 2016

愛素食 樸食健康 大地平安


請響應今年全校一起來的素食日活動「食素  種樹  愛地球」

可以在這裡登記參加活動,響應一日素食,則本周六(11/12) 邀您與我們共用午餐

Adopt a Vegetarian Diet - First Vegetarian Day for 2016-2017

When we live a simple life and
Adopt a vegetarian diet,
The world will become a peaceful place.

Fresh vegetables and fruits provide abundant vitamins and minerals.
A vegetarian diet is the best way for us to live a long and healthy life.

Have you signup to join one day of Vegetarian Diet yet?
Need a veggie card? come to the cafeteria and ask for sister Demi!
Vow to have a one day Vegetarian diet, hurry to register online: here and have a delicious lunch with us on 11/12/2016!



今年的新春活動將於 1/28 舉行. 依往例, 新春活動除了孩子們表演, 我們希望家長可以提供攤位讓孩子們盡情過節.
往年的一些遊戲, 食物攤位都是令全校學生,家長,老師,志工讚不絕口的, 期望今年我們也能繼續帶給孩子們歡樂 !

請您於11/12星期六10:30到餐廳, 我們將開始第一步的籌劃工作.

感恩您 !

祝福您 !

/活動組  敬邀

November 3, 2016

Eating veggies, Planting trees and Loving the earth

Dear Parents,

We would like to announce that Tzu Chi Academy is kicking off a year-round event named “Eating veggies, planting trees and loving the earth.” 

Your child/children will soon receive a yellow coloring card of a tree either last Saturday or next week. Then detail information about this event can be found on the back of this card as well as the participation method in the document here (please click on it).

We would like to invite your children and your entire family to love our earth by a very simple way. Please adopt more vegetarian meals in your daily life.
·         For every vegetarian meal consumed, please color a circle in number sequence on the tree of your own card.
·         For every 5 circles colored in, please collect a tree sticker from the cafeteria and plant it on the poster. Please let your child/children bring this card every week, so we can help them to plant tree accordingly.
·         For parents and other family members participate, please pick up your own coloring cards from cafeteria. Rules to plant a tree sticker is the same as all students.

The next step is,

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle will hold a Vegetarian Day once a month till next April.  When you vow to  follow a vegetarian diet for breakfast and dinner on the same day, school will provide you a complementary vegetarian lunch on that day in support of your actions to love the earth.  Please go online or to the Cafeteria to register.  The first Vegetarian Day is November 12th, 2016. (Registration online:

Hurry to commit and sign up today.

We are hoping out from this event, all children and family learn that loving the earth is everyone’s responsibility, easy to do, and fun to accomplish as a big family.

Together, we can make a change!

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle

October 14, 2016

10/15/2016 school closure due to series of storms

Dear all,

The national weather service is forecasting a series of storms with heavy rain and potentially damaging winds through Saturday. After evaluating the progress of the storms and considering the safety to travel to and from school, administration team has decided to close the school tomorrow.

According to our school policy, when the closure is due to inclement weather, no make-up will be made.

If you have further question, please contact your class teachers or email school:
All latest announcement will also be on school blog,

Please stay safe and dry, keep our prayers so no damages will be done by the storms.

-          Admin team

inclement weather policy

In cases of inclement weather, Tzu Chi Academy's policy is typically to follow Bellevue Public School closures. This Friday, however, Bellevue School District is already scheduled no school to have professional development. A significant storm with possible power outages is predicted for Thursday night.

Since we cannot follow our regular closure system, you will receive an email Saturday morning between 5:30 ~ 6:00 AM if classes are to be cancelled. The school blog website will also make announcement around the same timeframe.

If classes will not be cancelled, there will not be a closure communication.

Buy some extra batteries or charge up your power banks just in case!

-          Admin Team

October 5, 2016

Week 5 Event Notice 第五週活動預告

 ~ English version follows ~


家長人文課 -11:00-11:50.
這是今年第一次家長人文課,邀請到自然醫學博士及註冊營養師(ND, RD) 劉音序醫師,將跟大家分享怎麼吃最健康的保健觀。同時,本週也將為“食素種樹愛地球”活動做說明。

榮譽商店是孩子們長久以來最喜歡逛的地方,除了鼓勵孩子們用心上課,我們更希望藉著玩具回收的方式,教導孩子們要愛物惜福,將已經不再玩而大約八成新的玩具捐出來,讓玩具物命能延長。請家長在家裡陪伴孩子整理玩具,確定孩子願意捐出舊玩具, 一起來參與付出歡喜的過程。請將捐贈玩具送到餐廳,捐贈時每人得一張榮譽卡。

Dear Families,

There will be two events on coming Saturday. You are cordially invited to join us.

Parent Class - 11:00 ~ 11:50, Cafeteria
This is the first class of this school year for parents. We are honored to have Dr. YinHsu Liu to present the healthy diet. We will kick off the Veggie Day as well.

Toy Recycle - 9:00 ~ 10:00, Cafeteria
In order to sock up awards for Rewarding store, we encourage your students to donate their not-play-any-more new or old toys.
Please donate the used and still in good shaped toys to support the Awarding Store on Oct. 8th (next Saturday).  We also need help to sort all donated toys on the same day.

/活動組 敬邀

October 1, 2016


             榮譽商店將在 10 15日正式開幕。
            10  是我們這學期的 “玩具環保日” 請家長們在那一天把玩具送到學校來也請您在那一天留下來與我們一起整理玩具。 您的幫忙是我們最大的期待 ! 我們誠摯呼籲家長一起來護持榮譽商店,請在 10 8 將您家裡狀況功能依舊良好、不再需要的玩具捐給榮譽商店,來豐富榮譽商店的物品。

榮譽商店是孩子們長久以來最喜歡逛的地方,除了鼓勵孩子們用心上課,我們更希望藉著玩具回收的方式,教導孩子們要愛物惜福,將已經不再玩而且還約八成新的玩具捐出來,讓玩具物命能延長請家長陪伴孩子整理玩具 參與付出歡喜的過程。


輔導組敬上 2016-9-30

恭敬摘錄證嚴上人的法語與大家共勉之(清貧致福 p107)
1.      不拿: 不需要的物品即使免費也不拿
2.      不買謹慎購物不浪費物資
3.      不過量: 不過量購買儲藏過久容易忘記使用或過期
4.      共用不常用的物品大家可以互通共用
5.      沒有也行: 不要有非要不可的念頭

Dear Parents, 
This is a friendly reminder that Tzu Chi Academy will accept new or used toys for Toy Rewarding booth at school as a part of recycling program. 

Please donate your used but still in good shaped toys to support the Awarding Store on Oct. 8th (next Saturday).  We also need help to sort all donated toys on the same day.

The Awarding Station will open on Oct. 15th

With this giving and sharing experience, our children develop the sense of caring and compassion toward others.

Thanks for your help and support.
~ Student Service  

September 18, 2016

Curriculum Day 親師座談 - 家長與老師的雙向溝通





September 15, 2016

2016學年度歡喜開學 開學歡喜





和大家分享一句證嚴法師的靜思語: 勇於承擔才有改變的機會。感恩大家每個星期六來承擔與付出,讓我們的學校越變越好。

September 4, 2016

First Day of School Notice

2016-2017 開學通知
Welcome Letter (English version follows)

大家好!新的學年又要開始了,西雅圖慈濟人文學校定於九月十日開學,請於當日至Ringdall Jr. High (11650 SE 60th ST., Bellevue, WA 98006) 上課,上課時間是 9:00AM-12:00PM。基於維護學生安全為由,請每位學生務必穿著制服上衣,藍色長褲,並攜帶本通知書,女生請梳整頭髮別上有校徽的藍色髮飾,志工將憑通知書或制服辨識後,方可讓你進入教室區上課。 鑒於學生安全與教室秩序的因素,本校不開放旁聽或試聽,如有見到不能辨識為本校學生或成人在校園走動時,請大家能協助引導到餐廳,由行政志工負責接待。

因為今年是新的校區,所以今年的開學日將舉行開學典禮及行政與全校家長座談會。請您和貴子弟於九點直接到體育場集合,舉行開學典禮。開學典禮結束後,學生及老師將會進教室。學校行政人員將於10:15 ~ 11:00在餐廳恭候家長,舉行行政與全校家長座談,除介紹各組行政志工外,並宣布一學年的重要活動,同時也希望和家長雙向溝通。敬邀所有家長務必參加,以了解學校未來一年的運作重點及所需家長支援與配合的內容,共同為我們的學生打造快樂學習的經驗。
班級親師座談依往例在開學的第二週 917日舉行,請來認識您孩子的老師,了解老師的教學理念及需要家長配合協助的事項。

第二節 09:40-10:20 五、六、七、八、九、十年級
第三節 10:30 -11:10 二、三、四年級
第四節 11:20-12:00 幼幼班、注音班、一年級

給孩子們一個溫馨活潑又安全的學習環境,一直都是本校行政志工努力的目標之一,感恩家長們在這些年來的護持, 讓我們繼續共同為這個目標努力,在孩子們成長的學習旅程上留下美麗的記憶。


王慧婷法號慈恕 恭敬合十

English Version

華盛頓州西雅圖 慈濟人文學校
Tzu Chi Foundation, U.S.A. Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle WA or
Aug 28, 2016
Dear parents and students,
Greetings! Summer goes by so quickly. Hope you had a wonderful summer. This notice is to confirm you that our school will start at 9:00 AM on September 10 at Ringdall Jr. High (11650 SE 60th ST., Bellevue, WA 98006). For security reason, please dress in uniform and bring this notice with you to school. This notice will help our volunteers to guide you to your classroom. All girls are advised to have hair braided or tied up neatly with Tzu Chi blue hair pins or hair tie. If you are a new student, please dress in white top and long blue pants to school.

On September 10th, we will hold the School Open Ceremony and School Staff & Parents Meeting at the first day of school. Please come to school Gym at nine o’clock for the Open Ceremony. Students will follow teachers go back to classroom afterwards. School Staff & Parents Meeting will hold in Cafeteria at 10:15 – 11:00 for important announcement regarding school policies and planned activities for the coming school year. This will also be a great opportunity to communicate concerns in children’s education. Your input is important to us.
Teacher & Parents Meeting is on September 17, please come to meet teacher and to learn the syllabus, to exchange expectations, curriculum and important class announcement, and also introduce yourself. Below is the schedule for each class.

2nd period (9:40 – 10:20) : 5th ~ 10th grade
3rd period (10:30 – 11:10): 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade
4th period (11:20 – 12:00): pre, K and 1st grade
Location: at your student’s classroom

Our school is a volunteer-based organization. While all volunteers and teachers thrive to create a safe and fun learning environment to serve our students and families, parents’ support is also a key to make another great year for our students. We sincerely appreciate your support over the years and wish to have you with us for the many following years. Please mark your calendar for these two important meetings.

Look forward to seeing you.

Hui Ting Cindy Wang
Principal of Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle

August 15, 2016

Important Dates 重要日期 & Calendar 行事曆

開學通知訂於8/28寄出 / School notice will be emailed on 8/28


A welcome letter to 2016-2017 school year will be emailed to parents of registered students.

開學日 / First Day of School : 9/10/2016 

2016-2017學年度行事曆已經上網 / School Calendar

請按這裡, click here

May 30, 2016

2016 結業暨畢業典禮影片上網囉

2016 慈濟西雅圖人文學校結業暨第十屆畢業典禮畢業班
話劇- The Giving Tree


2016 慈濟西雅圖人文學校結業暨第十屆畢業典禮畢業班
畢業生& 九年級手語表演 -我的名字叫勇敢


三年級 - ,謝謝,對不起

六年級 - 彩色的翅膀

一年級 - 可愛妖怪體操



慈濟西雅圖人文學校學生參加美西北區華文學校聯誼會於 5 21 日舉辦的成語比賽榮獲佳績.

劉苡岑: 個人初小組第一名

肯柏妮: 個人初小組第二名

蘇大岳 &  加亨 : 同列個人中級組第二名
賀子恩 & 金頤  - 慈濟棉花糖隊: 團體初級組第三名

蘇大岳 &  加亨 - 慈濟兔子隊: 團體中級組第三名

May 16, 2016

Lets celebrate another year of learning and give our blessings to the grads

This coming Saturday, 5/21, please join us to celebrate the past year of learning at Tzu Chi Academy, also give our best wishes to our graduates.

Date: 5/21/2016
Time: 9:00 -11:30 AM, 9:05 start seating, 9:15 begin
Place: Bellevue High School, 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004

The program of the event will be as following,

5/14 期末考暨歡喜感恩親子運動會

5/14 是期末考, 更是親子運動會讓大家活絡筋骨親子互動的日子

和往年不同的是, 今年我們把表揚班上特殊表現的同學在各班由老師來頒獎, 如最佳進步, 最佳勇氣毅力, 最佳微笑, 最佳人緣, 最佳助人等等, 期待在班級進行時,  老師可以有比較多的時間跟孩子們說明得獎的事由, 讓全班的孩子都能互相鼓勵.

考完期末考, 今天也是去年停辦後再舉辦的親子運動會, 從一周前就開始祈禱天公能作美, 到了接近活動時間, 老天爺開始飄其毛毛細雨, 總策畫黃士榮爸爸特別一身教練服很有魄力地說毛毛雨沒關係, 還是維持原計畫在戶外草地上進行。11:00不到, 各班已經集合完畢, 陸續進入場地玩遊戲, 不料雨勢越來越大, 爸爸團隊很快地將活動轉入室內球場並完成遊戲設置, 孩子們繼續各項體能遊戲.

重頭戲是拔河, 拔河繩的兩端, 小小孩子
們咬著牙用力拉, 一旁的爸媽也奮力加油, 看到快輸了, 還忍不住跳下去幫忙拉, 總之, 大家都拔得很開心, 輸贏已經不重要了.

感恩策畫活動的爸爸團隊們事先有備案, 讓這個孩子們期待兩年的活動能順利完成, 更感恩所有來支援的家長, 能陪著孩子一起叫喊跑跳, 讓親子間更接近

下周六是這學年的最後一周了,  我們將在 Bellevue High School舉辦結業式, 一起回顧一年來的點滴, 一定要來喔! 下周見!

May 2, 2016

May is Appreciation month 五月感恩月暨竹筒回娘家


人文學校不曾間斷地帶領孩子們行善行孝,今年將在5/7這天, 由各班老師用心帶領孩子們為家長們展示他們這一年來學習的成果,讓家長有機會跟孩子一起坐下來分享學習的喜悅,同時也跟孩子一起帶著自己的愛心竹筒回到學校來,將愛心匯聚起來幫助需要幫助的人。


In Tzu Chi, May is a very special month and Mother's Day is also Buddha bathing day and Tzu Chi day. We are grateful for Buddha, our parents and all living beings.

On May 7th, each class teacher will lead their students to present their learning portfolios of this school year to the parents at own classroom. All students will bring back their bamboo banks to school the same day. We are going to collect all savings and put forward the money to help the needed.

Dear parents, your students have brought home their handmade invitation cards on April 16. Please come to the event and show your support to their education!

April 28, 2016

Please don't miss this rare opportunity - 4/30 家長人文課

這星期六4/30 (11:00-11:50)家長人文課校方邀請到駐西雅圖經濟文化辦事處處長夫人 王貞慧女士主講餐桌禮儀.
她在上個月為我們六年級同學上西餐禮儀, 許多用餐時須注意到的細節讓我們在場的大人們也受益良多, 因此特邀請她來和全校的家長一起分享


Dear Families of Tzu Chi Academy,

On coming Saturday morning, we are honored to have Mrs. Rosa Wang, wife of Director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle, to present a class about Dining Etiquette. Rosa also teaches the same class to our students and students love it. Therefore, we invite Rosa to extend this class to parents who are interested in learning proper dining manners in both Chinese and Western ways!

This class will be held from 11:00 to 11:50 at school cafeteria on 4/30.

You are cordially invited, with friends and family, to this class.

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle

April 15, 2016

Registration open for current students, space will open to waiting list after 5/1

Dear Parents of Current students,

Below is the link to online registration form for the current students only!

Once you click the link above, please enter student's name & birthday to pull out your student's info and then you will received an email or text message which includes a designated link for your student to register, please do not share that link to non current students for your own privacy. 
Submit tuition payment in check to our registrar to complete your registration. She will be at school cafeteria each Saturday.

There will be $10 discount each current student if the registration is completed with tuition payment by 4/30. There is no sibling discount.

after 5/1/2015 (including this date), all available space will be released to students on waiting list.

If you have trouble to pull out your student's info from our database, please send email to, we will respond as soon as possible.

All coming new students have to contact our registrar first and ensure there is space available before using the online registration system.

Thank you for supporting our Green action - online registration system.



April 4, 2016

2016-2017 學年度註冊即將開始/ Registration for 2016-2017 begins on 4/16

在校生: 於 4/16~4/30內完成註冊手續, 可有$10折扣 (細節請見之前的鋪文)
For current students: registration begins on 4/16, there is a $10 tuition discount per student if you complete online registration and submit payment before 4/30.

For pre-school class: registration opens after 4/16. All students on sign-up list will receive online registration link between 4/10 and 4/13.

The first day of school for next school year is 9/10/2016.

現有學校校舍老舊將拆除重建, 因此我們也將暫時遷移到 Ringdall Jr. High School 上課

The current facility will be torn down and reconstructed after June. We will temporarily move to Ringdall Jr. High School in fall.
(Address: 11650 SE 60th St, Bellevue, WA 98006)

April 1, 2016

下學年度註冊 - 4/16 在校生先註冊, 5/1以後名額開放

明天4/2要上課. 下星期六4/9放假.

提醒大家4/16在校生與明年幼幼班新生開始註冊網上註冊連結將於4/13送出請留意您的email 訊息.  

請家長上網註冊, 並於4/16到校繳學費. 4/30完成註冊可以享受$10折扣. 校方將於5/1開放所有名額給插班生.

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy,

This is a courtesy reminder for the following two events:
1)       that there will be school session tomorrow. We will have spring break next week (4/9).
2)      The registration for next school year begins on 4/16 for current students and new pre-school students. When you complete the registration by 4/30, you get a $10 discount. On and after 5/1, all space available will open to new students on waiting list.

Please note:
All registration forms are online. The registration link will be emailed to you on 4/13. If your contact email address has changed, please send an email to and subject “update contact email” with your student’s class and name in the message body before 4/10. If you do not receive the link on 4/13, please first check your junk box, or come to school on 4/16 or send an email to above email address, then we will resend the link to you.

Below is the procedure of registration,
1.       Follow the link in the email which will be sent to you on 4/13.
2.       Enter your child’s name and birthday to enter your account
3.       Complete the registration data
4.       Submit
5.       Bring your check to registrar during school session (every Saturday until 5/14). You will have to mail the check to Tzu Chi office after 5/14.
6.       If you complete the registration (online & payment) before 4/30, you get $10 discount per student.

If you have any question, you are welcome to contact us at

/Registration office