We are in the final stage of preparation for the New Year Celebration event on 2/9. We need some help from each one of you to make the event a success!
First of all, we have a station which needs many aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Please help collect and bring them to school cafeteria on 2/2 & 2/9. Slightly rinse those cans and bottles will be much appreicated.

Second, we will hold a pot-luck lunch at the cafeteria around 11:30 on 2/9. We would like to show our respect to the mother Earth. Please only bring vegetarian dishes to school to share and your own bowls/chopsticks/forks/spoons. Let us reduce disposables and garbage altogether.
Last, we need your presence at this event and participate the silent auction to support our fundraising for disaster relief work by Tzu Chi Foundation.
Schedule the time and enjoy a joyful and meaningful morning with all kids, teachers, families and staff volunteers on February 9th!
Look forward to seeing you.
Pei-Hwa Lin
principal of Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle.