在校生: 於 4/16~4/30內完成註冊手續, 可有$10折扣 (細節請見之前的鋪文)
For current students: registration begins on 4/16, there is a $10 tuition discount per student if you complete online registration and submit payment before 4/30.
For pre-school class: registration opens after 4/16. All students on sign-up list will receive online registration link between 4/10 and 4/13.
The first day of school for next school year is 9/10/2016.
現有學校校舍老舊將拆除重建, 因此我們也將暫時遷移到 Ringdall Jr. High School 上課
The current facility will be torn down and reconstructed after June. We will temporarily move to Ringdall Jr. High School in fall.
(Address: 11650 SE 60th St, Bellevue, WA 98006)