(English follows)
除了每年必有的舞獅表演外,還有其他的班級表演以及園遊會,今年正逢建校20周年,學校將準備校史靜態展覽,並且再次號召舉辦已經停辦了兩年的全校大團圓飯,聚餐的形式是各班Potluck,老師和家長都準備一些食物和學生一起用餐 (素食, 無肉喔!) ,志工們也有一桌,我們一起吃迎春團圓飯。請家長提供餐點,和同班同學一起分享,人文學校就是個大家庭,過新年吃團圓飯,請人人自備環保餐具,讓我們做到大活動零垃圾,全校師生開開心心過新年,地球母親更沒有負擔。
2/3當天,請先帶您的學生到自己的教室報到點名,老師會帶著全班一起到室內球場入座,您帶來的菜餚則先放置到球場內專屬各班級的桌子上就可以了。當天的園遊會大約會在11:40結束,緊接著就是團圓飯,大約吃到12:30左右,大家一起幫忙收拾場地以後,希望整個新年活動在1:00便能正式落幕。凡是學生在12:00以前離校的, 必須要報備老師, 登記早退。
請家長在活動當天早上先把食物送到孩子的教室,然後先到學校gym欣賞孩子為新年活動準備的表演,之後是迎春園遊會,接近11:40的時候再把您帶來的食物拿到gym裡面,聚餐的形式是各班Potluck,每個班級的餐桌上會有班級牌,請老師和家長都準備一些食物和學生一起用餐 (素食, 無肉喔!) ,志工們也有一桌,我們一起吃迎春團圓飯。
今年是狗年, 是象徵忠實, 誠懇, 貼心付出的一年, 先祝福大家有個旺旺福慧年!
感恩您, 無限感恩!
/行政團隊 恭敬合十
Families of Tzu Chi Academy,
Our most exciting annual school event loved and favorited by
the students is approaching - The Chinese New Year celebration event that will
be held on February 3rd followed by THE all-school potluck. You and
your family are cordially invited to celebrate 2018 Year of Dog with your
children and the rest of the school community. Please see the attachment for
the event flyer.
In addition to the annual lion dance performance there will
also be classroom performances, and school carnivals. What made this year
special is that it coincides with the 20th anniversary of our school
establishment, which is a huge milestone for our academy! We will be displaying
static exhibitions about the history, establishment, and milestones of our
It has been two years since we last held a school-wide
potluck. For a potluck at this scale, it involves massive and strenuous task
and planning, so we truly need your help and support to make it the most
enjoyable experience possible for our students.
For those of you that have not experienced an all-school
potluck in the past, please allow me to address it in more detail:
This is a time to share food,
laughter, and love. Having a meal together as a whole big family is an
important tradition in Chinese culture. We hope that our kids can have the
opportunity to be exposed to this authentic culture full of beauty and warmth
through personal experience. For this was our main motivator to bring back the
potluck once again after two years. Let’s all get together and enjoy such rare
opportunity to bond with our children and the rest of the school community. In
order for us to accomplish this goal, your support is highly needed and plays
the most vital role of the event preparation.
- Please reply to your class coordinator or teacher about
what dish(s) you would like to bring.
- Please first leave the food in the classroom in the morning and transfer the food to gym at 11:40. You are invited to join all school in the gym to enjoy the performance and game booth from 9:40 to 11:40.
- For years, we have been working diligently to
demonstrate how to tender our Mother Earth. Our other goal set forth for
this event is to minimize garbage/waste and maximize “reduce, reuse,
recycle.” Please share a vegetarian-only dish, use non-disposable
utensils/plates/bowls, and do not waste food. After all, parents are the
role models and reflection of their children. They are constantly watching
us and counting on us.
2018 is The Year of Dog, in which resembles loyalty, honesty,
sincerity and unconditional love. We wish you all a prosperous year to harvest
and enjoy.