感恩各位家長與同學對於榮譽商店的踴躍支持, 最近榮譽商店的庫存量較低,所以我們邀請您一起將家中八成新的玩 具/小文具(希望是適用於五歲以上學童的玩具或用品),於這兩週 帶來學校,捐贈給榮譽商店。
輔導組暨行政組 感恩合十
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your support and
contribution to our “Awarding Station” that has been one of the most popular
stops in school! Our inventory has recently run low, and we will appreciate
that you kindly donate your gently used toys/stationaries (preferably for age 5
and up) from home. Our volunteers on site in the cafeteria will be happily
receiving your donations over the next few weeks.
Again we truly appreciate your
help and support, citing love amongst us all.
Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle
Administration team